07 July 2015

Catatan Menjalankan Multiple OSD Pada Satu Mesin.

OSD adalah salah satu server XtreemFs yang berfungsi sebagai  storage server. Idealnya OSD di-install pada mesin yang berbeda. Namun untuk keperluan uji coba OSD dapat di-install pada satu mesin yang sama.

Kriteria menjalankan mejalankan satu OSD pada satu mesin yang sama:
To replicate a file, you need a setup with at least two OSDs. Since XtreemFS uses majority voting, a fault-tolerant setup requires at least three replicas. For testing, you can run multiple OSDs on the same machine, just make sure that they use differen ports (http_port and listen.port in osdconfig.properties).

Referensi  menjalankan multiple OSD:
3.3.2  Running multiple OSDs per Machine
Running more than one OSD service per host might be useful in various situations. Use cases for this might be machines with more than one disk as an alternative to a local RAID or testing purposes. We offer an extended init.d script, named xtreemfs-osd-farm, to start or stop a set of OSDs on one host by a single script.

The xtreemfs-osd-farm script can be found in the /usr/share/xtreemfs directory, if XtreemFS is installed by the provided packages, or in the contrib directory of the XtreemFS GIT repository.

Using the xtreemfs-osd-farm script demands two steps. First, a list names for all of the used OSDs hat to be set to the OSD_INSTANCES variable in the script. The list elements have to be separated by spaces. In the second step, a configuration file with the name <osdname>.config.properties has to be created in /etc/xos/xtreemfs for all of the defined OSD names, whereas <osdname> has to be replaced by the particular OSD name. After these steps, the init.d script can be executed with the usual arguments start, stop, status, restart, and try-restart. A single OSD can be controlled by xtreemfs-osd-farm <osdname> <argument>.

Arahan menjalankan multiple OSD per machine di google group XtreemFs.:
Michael Berlin
Dear Russ,

I once posted a init.d script which allows you to start and stop
multiple OSDs with different configuration files:

I still use this script for one of our internal installations - however,
it is not updated to the latest changes of the init.d script, i.e. it
may require some more testing and minor modifications.

The multiple OSD configuration files must differ in the following settings:

a) uuid =

Every OSD needs a unique UUID. btw: they don't have to be randomized,
only unique and must never change - for example, sometimes I set the
UUID just to "[installation-name]-osd1", [installation-name]-osd2" and
so on. This way you can also use the UUIDs to keep track of the
different machines.

b) listen.port =

Port of the OSD.

c) http_port =

Port for the Webinterface.

d) object_dir =

Place where the data is stored.

Best regards,

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